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What does flying consist of?
Thanks to a special harness you will be secured to a trolley that runs freely along a steel cable through the gorge of the Furore fjord, giving you moments of pure emotion and breathtaking views. Upon arrival an innovative braking system will slow you down. gently, naturally and totally automatically.

How much is it? how long is the flight and how long is it?
You fly for about 700 meters and it takes about a minute and a half

Are physical efforts required?
No physical effort: Our staff will also help you put on the harness.

Can everyone fly, even minors?
Yes. With Zip Line Italia everyone can fly; we offer discounts to under 18s, over 65s, families and groups of friends.

For minors - unaccompanied by a parent or person exercising parental authority; - it is necessary to present the consent form signed by the parent or by whoever has the legal guardianship of the minor, with attached a photocopy of the identity document; of the signatory. For accompanied minors, the parent/guardian can produce the authorization on site.

Do you want to make a second flight right away?
If you already have flown and want to repeat the experience, you can do it on the same day by purchasing a additional ticket with a 30% discount off the list price!

How do you fly in two?
Flying in tandem is a must. same as single flight; two people will be hooked to the same trolley, as long as their weight does not exceed 120 kg. You could choose to take a parallel flight, evenmore beautiful and exciting!

What happens if it rains?
In case of bad weather, the flight will  be moved to the first available date.

How do you get to the departure station in Furore?
Users must go directly to the departure station located in Via Aldo Moro 1 in Furore (SA). Users who, having arrived at the arrival station of Conca dei Marini, need to return to the departure station to recover their vehicle, they will be able to take advantage of the shuttle service provided by us or by an affiliated company, even by booking on the site in the appropriate section.

Users who want to reach the plant with the SITA bus service from Amalfi, we recommend the SCHIATO n° 19.

The Management can cancel or deny the possibility; to fly?
Yes. At its sole discretion, the Management may forbid to carry out the flight, or to suspend it. In particular, by way of example but not exhaustively, what is can happen for sudden climatic variations, for evident alteration of the capacities; psychophysical conditions of the user, for technical reasons.

It's Is it possible to bring a video camera or camera of your own?
No. Since it is the route flies over sensitive areas (roads, private properties, etc...) for safety reasons is NOT allowed. It is possible to carry personal equipment (video cameras, cameras, mobile phones, etc.) in flight (in hand, or secured in some way to the harness), if you want to film the flight & eacute; It is possible to rent the special video camera to be fixed to the helmet. At the end of the flight it will come. delivered the SD card with the video of the flight.


sono marchi di proprietà della ZIPLINE ITALIA S.r.l. P.IVA: 05590450655 - Tutti i diritti riservati
Sede Legale: Via Dalmazia, 9 - 84123 Salerno (SA) - Italia - pbx 089 226068